I have this friend that works with the hydro company, reading meters. We were having beers together the other day when he confessed a secret to me. He told me when he reads the meters at the side of a house, he sometimes finds himself having to pee. He told me that when it happens,he just whips it out and pee's right there on the side of the persons house or whatever. he just lets it go whereever.So the next time the meter-reader comes to read your meter, keep an eye on them!
Name kept secret
Location kept secret
This so called "secret" HAS to be a joke right? Meter-reders pissing all over people's houses? Give me a break. If it is true, i hope that friend of yours looses his job
Your buddy isn't the only one. I caught my telephone repair guy last year doing the same thing. I told him, "What, yo couldn't find a McDonald's to piss in?"
Must be some sort of epidemic. Servicemen urinating on the side of people's houses.
Not very professional at all.
We were installing an oil fired boiler in some lady's basement, and my buddy Ed pissed in the corner. She came downstairs and noticed the wet spot, dipped her finger in it, had a sniff, and exclaimed "I must have a leak somewhere". Was all I could do not to break out laughing!!
As long as the cook keeps it in his pants, I am cool. The yard chumps can do what they want.
Ya gotta go ya gotta go. Big deal I would say that where ever he has pissed probably 10 neighborhood dogs have pissed there also, big deal.
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