G ridney had a big sales job in the big city. He'd been seeing escorts on his 'lunch hour', phone sex, webcam sex, tons of porn for a few years. After 9/11 he got laid off.
F rustration grew for Gridney. Internet porn & Rosy Palm and her 5 friends (while locked in his home office with wife & kids downstairs) wasn't enough. So about 6 months into Gridney's unemployment, being stuck at home with the wife & kids, he started cruising the web - reunion sites, etc. for women he'd had sex with in high school or college. Gridney hit paydirt!
...Gridney started 'love bombing' her and made her think she was "the one that got away" (barf!) all the while starting up cybersex and pushing her to meet Gridney at a hotel for some 'memories.'...
S tumbled on one from 25 years ago who always had a soft spot for Gridney, who was divorcing a very abusive man, had kids, was disabled and Gridney started 'love bombing' her and made her think she was "the one that got away" (barf!) all the while starting up cybersex and pushing her to meet Gridney at a hotel for some 'memories.'
O OPS! This woman wanted a REAL friendship, wanted to meet Gridney's wife & kids, tried to talk to Gridney about getting help - despite getting involved in an emotional (Gridney has no feelings unfortunately other than an erection) relationship with ole' gridney. Gridney was pouring on the "my wife doesn't understand me, no sex in the marriage, I miss YOU, I am so misunderstood..."
...Gridney tried to start up some cybersex with one young enough to be his daughter, even offered to pay to watch her and Woman #1 have sex for him...
T his poor woman was completely taken in by gridney's psychological manipulations/ sales techniques. He told her "we KNOW each other, I would NEVER use you!" Her soon to be ex-husband found out and started abusing her WORSE. Gridney? Ran for the hills for couple months. Real nice guy huh? Came back around, showed 'concern' but was only worried about HIMSELF. Now REFUSED to see her in person because he "couldn't control himself around" her.
G ridney'd completely won this good woman's trust - so she innocently introduced Gridney to a couple of her online friends. Gridney tried to start up some cybersex with one young enough to be his daughter, even offered to pay to watch her and Woman #1 have sex for him - who shut Gridney down out of respect for woman #1.
B y now Gridney'd gotten a job so he didn't need woman #1 anyway - he could go back to the PROS! But Gridney kept up with woman #1, she was great for Gridney's massive ego. Besides, she helped him edit his articles... and good ole' Gridney got ALL the credit! It was so funny watching her trying to figure him out and making it look like she was throwing herself at him. Degrade her, reel her back in. Women are so stupid, huh?
...At Woman #1's request, Woman #2 helped Gridney place a couple of his articles. Gridney used woman #1 as his calling card for "see I am good guy - I am woman #1's friend...
T HEN woman #1 innocently introduced him to ANOTHER friend (woman #2) who was also abused and had emotional issues due to a lifetime of abuse, bad marriage, etc. At Woman #1's request, Woman #2 helped Gridney place a couple of his articles. Gridney used woman #1 as his calling card for "see I am good guy - I am woman #1's friend"
M eantime Gridney was getting his kicks being verbally and psychologically sadistic to woman #1. Gridney had twisted her good sense upside down and it was so much fun toying with her. Gridney had lost all interest but when she would cut him off Gridney would write her to come back, beg her to talk to him again, he needed her.
G ridney finally met woman #1 for just lunch and was very cold and impersonal to her. She tried again to politely break it off. But Gridney would reel her back in for more and she was still taking abuse from her ex, while thinking she could help Gridney!
...In reality, gridney had no intention of even being her friend, just toying with her and using her...
G ridney would tell woman #1 he still cared for, needed and wished he could be with HER while regaling her with stories of other women he REALLY loved and sex he had that was SO MUCH BETTER then her. Woman #1 also had NO IDEA he was talking to any of her friends in a sexual manner, btw. Woman #1 was confused, wanted only to make him happy & feel better and for him to talk honestly to her. In reality, gridney had no intention of even being her friend, just toying with her and using her.
W oman #2, who was now entrenched in an emotional relationship with Gridney (Gridney convinced her SHE was "the only woman he REALLY LOVED") finally got fed up with his cryptic comments and IM'd woman 1. Gridney had been keeping them from talking to each other, saying to Woman #2 "Woman #1 will ruin out happiness if she finds out. She's FIXATED on me!!" After an 18hr conversation - the truth came out. He was setting up for a physical affair with woman #2 - using work resources to get a hotel rooms (while he was seeing clients), work cellphone, etc. Offered Woman #2 money, a camera to make movies for him, their LOVE would go on forever.... wherever he could take her!
...Lied about dates, times, and even used some of Woman #1s personal history as HIS OWN to anchor his LIES! ("If you love ME, you will leave ME alone to start a new life" - translation: "Go away, I need to get a new identity going to get new victims!")...
G ridney painted Woman #1 as a pathetic loser who was chasing & stalking HIM! (due to her disability - that's not possible) and had been for years (He made first contact REMEMBER?). Gridney said he never ever loved woman #1 and made himself out to be her GOOD FRIEND by even putting up with to chat now & then. Said woman #1 lost her virginity to him - NOT!! Another lie! Lied about dates, times, and even used some of Woman #1s personal history as HIS OWN to anchor his LIES! ("If you love ME, you will leave ME alone to start a new life" - translation: "Go away, I need to get a new identity going to get new victims!")
W oman #1 & #2 confronted Gridney - his response - to disappear, change his phone numbers, new identities and blame the women - as well as convincing the cuckolded wife Gridney was being HARRASSED by these women and hiring a lawyer and getting the police involved to stop them. God FORBID he tell the truth. Something to HIDE, Gridney??
...the fact that Gridney HAD to brag about banging paid whores, Gridney had used his usual nickname, put ads around the net on 'sex partners wanted now' sites with the same nickname and even stated where he lived & that he was married with kids!...
W oman #1 finally listened to her gut and found lurid reviews posted online about Gridney's lunch hours with high price escorts & took them and Gridney's threats about what would happen to her for finding him out & telling his wife (woman #1 thought this FINALLY would make him get help!) to the police. Woman #2 took a homemade porn video Gridney sent her to the FBI.
T o top off the fact that Gridney HAD to brag about banging paid whores, Gridney had used his usual nickname, put ads around the net on 'sex partners wanted now' sites with the same nickname and even stated where he lived & that he was married with kids! Honest? sure. But his wife works from a home office and any PSYCHO could go there and harm her or the kids.... how THOUGHTFUL of ole' Gridney to think of his family's safety....NOT!
R esult? Brothels closed down, Woman #1 got police commendations, Gridney exposed... but wait there's more! Gridney doesn't give up so easy. Gridney doesn't target disenfranchised, abused women for nothing!! No he's smart!! Easier to smear women when they are already down, right? Never speak to them again so they can't refute the lies Gridney continues to tell family & associates.
Gridney was finally questioned by police & got lawyered up - Gridney is still trying to erase everything HE HIMSELF put on the net about him being a 'sex hobbyist'...
W oman #1 & #2 are in fact friends who know they were played by a predator.Gridney? 6 months later, tried AGAIN to start up with ANOTHER of Woman #1s friends (after convincing family & friends he was set up HAHAHAHAHA). This additional lady also reported him. By now Woman #1 was past the humiliation and had told everyone on her email list.
G ridney was finally questioned by police & got lawyered up - Gridney is still trying to erase everything HE HIMSELF put on the net about him being a 'sex hobbyist.' Gridney has NEVER attempted to GENUINELY own his actions & apologize for any of the harm he did to either of these women & their families. Not even Woman #1, whom he knew for over 25 years. Impersonal excuses only. Wife is still with him.
BEWARE LADIES!! Gridney's a flaming narcissist, charming liar, covert
misogynist, wanna be player, sex addict and tries to paint himself as an
ethical, family man who is just a victim. Gridney is a VICTIMIZER.
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