Happy Anniversary to TSYCT!!

Yes folks, it's been a whole year since I started this project. Seems like just yesterday!

Some highlights for me?

-Reading all the great stories from other people.(and some of the crappy ones too!)
-My 100,000th visitor.
-Having the first of many stories land on CollegeHumor and Fark and then watching as the traffic and submitted stories go through the roof.
-Having the Angelina story listed on Gawker
-Hate mail coming my way, written by people that don't agree with the whole anonymous concept of my blog.

And of course...Probably the most rewarding experience of the past year has been the ability for me to provide a spot for people to rid their closets of some ancient skeletons. I can't express just how much that has meant to me, especially given the comments I have recieved as a result.

That was the whole point from the beginning. As we get older and try to better ourselves, our past kepts holding us down. Stories we have deep inside our souls, that we couldn't tell anyone, now have a place to be put to rest once and for all.

This blog has been like therapy for many, and all those that have commented, you are like therapists of sorts. Yes, even you asshole dave...

So in closing, thanks to all of you that have come here, read and submitted your stories, and commented on others. Without your support, many would still be struggling with the demons that have haunted them over the years.

Keep sending your stories in...

Much respect and appreciation...


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