I have a secret.

I can't stop smoking even though I am pregnant. Doc told me that quitting would cause undue stress to both myself and the baby. What am I supposed to do about it. I am damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Everyone around me has a different opinion. "You should quit" or "You better not quit" to "You better do what is right for the baby" to "Do what is right for both of you"

I certainly don't expect you guys to have the answers, but it sure is tormenting me.

Thanks for listening to me.


Anonymous said...

Tough call. I'd be more inclined to think that quitting smoking would be the better thing to do for the baby. It's a hard choice and I certainly wouldn't want to be in your shoes and have to make that sort of decision. Hope everything goes well.

Anonymous said...

depends how far along you are....if your within the first few months of pergnancy than it shouldnt hurt the baby to quit but if your farther along than i suggest you keep puffing your face off.

Anonymous said...

why not just use nicotene patches? it would prevent the stresss form quiting becaus eyou would still be getting the nicotene

Anonymous said...

Find another doctor. I don't know any doc who would tell you NOT to quit. Or, maybe that was just what you wanted to hear.

Not that I am a no-smoking freak, but smoking is never "right for you." Sure, it's a choice, but, cancer aside, there's a bunch of health risks to consider.

I bet there's folks out there who can help pregnant women quit. You're not the first.

Once you start buying diapers and formula, you'll have less money for those $4 packs. That may be an incentive, too.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, you're going to have a nice little baby with blackened lungs, asthma, and a nicotine addiction straight out of the womb, the kid is going to be years ahead of his peers
congratulations on being a great mother

Anonymous said...

Smoking what...cigs? There is no way that the "stress" of you quitting smoking is worse for the baby than smoking. Any doc who tells you that is a quack.

My wife quit cold turkey each time she found out she was preggers, and all three of our children are healthy.

Don't be weak think of your child...not yourself.

By the way, can't smoke if you breastfeed either.

Grow up and be responsible for your child.

Anonymous said...

Once your child arrives, you'll willingly give up your selfishness, without even knowing it. How bad will you feel when this vulnerable little life, which is completely dependent on you, is crippled by decisions that he or she had nothing to do with? And how bad will you feel if your child is perminantly affected by your decision? He or she will always be different or behind other kids. It's completely unfair that they will exeperince pain caused by your selfishness.

Anonymous said...

If you can't give up smoking, then maybe you shouldn't even be having a baby in the first place. I say quit now and never look back. Every time you feel the craving just think that you're doing it for your child. And once the child is born, don't go back to smoking either. In fact, try to avoid somkers altogether. If you can't do this for your child, then maybe you don't deserve him/her to begin with.

Also, I'd suggest getting another doctor.

Anonymous said...

honestly, to you, and the people who tell you not to quit, youre all messed up in the head. when you quit smoking your chances for cancer drop by about half 30 minutes after your last cig, 30 fucking minutes. how is that bad for the baby? i honestly think you need to go to a REAL doctor, and not one who got his GED from a Wheaties Box and his PhD from a mail order catalog

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that their are mother's that can't choose between smoking and the health of your unborn child.

Really, are you friggen brain dead? Jesus, i am from KY and i know smoking is terrible for your own health. Just think about what it will do to someone that is LIVING INSIDE YOU

Anonymous said...

YOU'RE NOT A BAD PERSON. You're just stressed. Listen to what your gut (or baby) is telling you. Stress is one of the most toxic things a fetus can encounter. So sit down, take some deep breaths (without a cigarette) and make some decisions. The problem with smoking is that you tend to puff away your problems until they rear up their ugly heads again. You need to start working on your issues so that you can cope without a nicotene crutch (and so you can be a good parent). Just don't smoke right now, don't worry about not lighting up in ten minutes, focus on now. Let the next urge take care of itself. You might just find that the next urge takes care of itself. If you figure out what sitations and pressure make you reach for your pack and work on them (or cut them out of your life all together if it is feasible) you may even find that life in general feels a lot better. Lot's of people have quit. There are three in this household who have been smoke-free for two-to-four years after decades of smoking. I even quit when I was pregnant, and I was rewarded with a healthy, happy daughter. ;)
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

stop smoking no matter what ANYONE says. YOU are responsible for a life. as another commentor wrote: "If you can't give up smoking, then maybe you shouldn't even be having a baby in the first place."